
Sunday, 29 March 2015


H&M Shirt & Accessories | TopShop Jeans or here & Heels 

I've recently come across a number of videos and texts about body image/confidence and while I was putting this outfit together I thought "why do people lack confidence?" I was always a little narcissistic, (not the disorder, i'm perfectly normal lol) in the sense that I always believed I was a decent looking individual and this helped boost my confidence level. I'm one of those naturally skinny people who eats as much as they like and whatever they like but never seems to gain weight. I was perfectly fine with being skinny, however, about five years ago, I started hearing things like; "you're too skinny", "you should eat more" or "you have no boobs" from the people around me and this had a detrimental effect on my confidence. I became supper introverted, and would try super hard to please people, I even went on a short-lived weight gain journey and although it only lasted two weeks, it wouldn't have crossed my mind to gain weight before this period. 

To over come this, I decided to accept myself for exactly who I am and that means that if someone decides not to accept me by making derogatory remarks about my physical appearance, I effectively remove them from my life. I compliment myself and I compliment others because I have realized that when people compliment me it helps build my confidence subconsciously. So, one of the reasons I came up with as to why people lack confidence is that we as women see each other as competitors rather than team mates. Why do some think it is okay to call another woman too skinny or too fat? Body shaming is never a positive thing, you do not have to put someone down to make yourself feel better. We are all uniquely beautiful. I believe that if we all made the effort to compliment each other (and even ourselves) we would be an unbeatable army.  Rather than tearing someone down because they don't live up to your standard of beauty, find something positive to compliment them about. I urge you to take the time and compliment at least one female each day. You never know what impact you might have in bettering an individuals day or even their life.

I have 2 new videos up: 
The Whisper Challenge ft. My sister.

And here's a lookbook featuring 4 ways I style skinny Jeans:

- Vee xx